Photo Guidance

Be proactive about capturing the right pictures the first time by guiding crews through text instructions and example photos for a photo requirement. Add sample photos and instructional text for photo lists.

Before taking a picture in the field, crews can quickly and easily review instructions, example photos, or "What-not-to-do" photos.


This article contains the following sections: 

Set up Photo Guidance in the Portal

Provide sample photos and accompanying instructions to photo lists. Set up photo guidance in the Pathwave Portal to provide crews with an example of the desired photo requirement.

1. In the Pathwave Portal, go to Configuration > Photos Lists.

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2. Select a photo list.

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3. Select the informational icon next to the photo requirement mceclip0-1.

4. Enter text explaining how to meet the photo requirements for this photo and Save.

  • Tip: Use the same formatting for the next photo requirement by using "Copy"

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5. Upload examples of expected photos that meet photo requirements.

  • Tip - also add examples of photos that do not meet requirements, a "what-not-to-do" photo.
  • Optional - when adding multiple guidance photos, add specific text instructions for each photo added.

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6. Continue adding photo guidance to other photos.

7. Photo guidance is now available to crews taking pictures using iPads and mobile devices for jobs using the photo list.

  • Note that photo guidance is not visible in the portal on Job Photos (Job > Photos) but it is visible in the Pathwave app and in the portal in Configuration > Photo Lists.

8. Review the photo guidance for a photo list using the Show Photo Guidance toggle in the top left for a photo list.

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Mandatory Guidance

Be proactive about commonly rejected photos or critical photos in a photo list by forcing the crew to view guidance before taking a picture. The crew can quickly and easily review photo guidance before taking a picture. Making photo guidance mandatory ensures the crew is viewing the requirements and help that has been provided.

Require the crew to view the photo guidance for a photo before taking a picture:

1. When editing photo guidance for a photo, select the toggle in the upper left.

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Note: Without forcing the crew to view photo guidance, it's possible the crew can skip the guidance when taking a picture.

Without Mandatory Guidance:

View photo guidance by selecting the image icon photo guidance icon 2 (1)-1:

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If the image icon is not selected, then crews can go straight to the camera:

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With Mandatory Guidance:

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How to Use Photo Guidance in the Field

View example photos and text instructions to guide you to take the best picture when taking a photo for a job. Photo guidance is available when set up by the back office. 

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