Capture Azimuth Data for Photos

Embed Azimuth data on photos taken in the Pathwave app. Azimuth data utilizes the device’s internal gyroscope and provides readings for magnetic north.

Embed Azimuth data on photos taken in the Pathwave app. Azimuth data utilizes the device’s internal gyroscope and provides readings for magnetic northReach out to us to require Azimuth data for certain photos to meet customer requirements. 

This article contains the following sections: 

Pathwave - Azimuth Data (1)

How to Capture Azimuth Data for Photos

When the compass is enabled, the device must be in an upright or flat position to take a photo and capture an accurate reading. Feedback is provided if the device is not in the correct orientation. To take a photo with the compass enabled, move the device into an accepted orientation or disable the compass if needed.

Capture azimuth data by enabling the compass when taking a photo:

  1. Enable Compass to capture azimuth data for photos
  2. Hold the device upright or flat (looking straight down)
  3. Take a photo
  4. The azimuth has been captured and displays on the photo

Screenshot_20230814-192550         Screenshot_20230814-192646  

Compass enabled when taking a photo       Azimuth data on photo taken         

Troubleshooting Tips

Cannot Take a Photo

  1. Is the compass enabled (i.e., is there an orange reading and instructions to hold upright or flat)? → If Yes:
    1. Hold the device in portrait orientation (straight up and down, perpendicular to the ground) or flat (straight up and down, parallel to the ground) until the azimuth number is gray and displaying a number.
    2. or Disable the compass if an azimuth is not required by tapping the compass icon when taking a photo.


Hold the device upright or flat to take a photo when Compass is enabled

Inaccurate Azimuth Reading

  1. Calibrate the device by moving the device in a figure 8 motion for about 10 passes.
    1. Calibrate the device once a day for best results.


Calibrate device to increase accuracy of azimuth data