Understanding Pathwave User Roles & Permissions 

This article contains the following sections: 

Quick Reference of Roles & Permissions


  Field Crew Crew Foreman Personnel Management Office Manager Regional Manager Partner Manager Partner Administrator

View and edit their profile information (email, phone number, etc.) 

View Company Documents 

View their own Certifications 

View the Dashboard and job activity 

View Job information   
Add notes to Jobs and upload photos   
Upload Documents to COPs   
Add Folders to COPs  
Edit Certification Types    
Edit Customers    
Edit Labels    
Edit Note Types    
Edit Personnel Positions    
Edit Photo Lists    
Edit Safety Tasks    
Edit Offices        
Edit Regions          
Billing Statements            


  Field Crew Crew Foreman Personnel Management Office Manager Regional Manager Partner Manager Partner Administrator

Take photos for a job

View Company Documents 

View their own Certifications

All functionality on the iPad, including but not limited to: 

  • Site Check In/Out 
  • Complete JSAs 
  • Take photos for a job
  • Prompt crew to conduct tailgate training on site 
  • Prompt crew to sign job and safety documents 
  • Complete safety documents 
  • Complete job forms
  • Complete PPE Inspections
  • View Company Documents

Phone Apps

  Field Crew Crew Foreman Personnel Management Office Manager Regional Manager Partner Manager Partner Administrator
Phone Apps              

Take photos for a job

Complete PPE Inspections

View their own certifications

View Company Documents 

All functionality on the Phone App


Field Crew 

Field crew users are the bulk of the field crew staff. Consisting of in-house employees or subcontractors, field crew primarily utilize the iPad to take pictures, sign JSAs, and utilize the Pathwave mobile apps to take pictures and complete inspections (ex: PPE inspection). Field crew are assigned to a Region and Office 

Field crew have the following permissions: 

  • Portal 
    • View and edit their profile information (email, phone number, etc.) 
    • View their own Certifications 
    • View Company Documents 
  • iPad 
    • Take photos for a job
    • View their own Certifications
    • View Company Documents 
  • Phone Apps 
    • Take photos for a job
    • Complete PPE Inspections 
    • View their own Certifications
    • View Company Documents

Crew Foreman 

The crew foreman is the team lead and responsible for on site activities, such as checking in to sites, completing JSAs, completing safety documents, and checking out of sites. Crew Foreman are assigned to a Region and Office. 

Crew Foreman can take photos, complete inspections, and sign JSAs like Field Crew but they may also do the following: 

  • Portal 
    • View the Dashboard and job activity 
    • View Job information 
    • Add notes to Jobs and upload photos 
    • View Company Documents 
    • View and Edit their Certifications 
    • Upload Documents to COPs
    • Add Folders to COPs
  • iPad 
    • All functionality on the iPad, including but not limited to: 
    • Site Check In/Out 
    • Complete JSAs 
    • Take photos for a job
    • Prompt crew to conduct tailgate training on site 
    • Prompt crew to sign job and safety documents 
    • Complete safety documents 
    • Complete job forms
    • Complete PPE Inspections
    • View Company Documents
  • Phone Apps 
    • All functionality on the Phone App, including but not limited to: 
    • Take photos for a job
    • Complete PPE Inspections 
    • View Company Documents

Personnel Management 

Personnel Management can consist of an HR representative or responsible party for managing Personnel information and certifications. These users have access to Portal functionality except for Billing Statements. A Region and Office is not specified for Personnel Management. 

  • Portal 
    • All functionality in the Portal but cannot access Billing Statements and editing Regions and Offices 
  • iPad 
    • All functionality on the iPad 
  • Phone Apps 
    • All functionality on the phone app 

Office Manager 

An Office Manager has the same roles and permissions as Personnel Management but must specify a Region and Office. These users have access to Portal functionality except for Billing Statements. 

  • Portal 
    • All functionality in the Portal but cannot access Billing Statements and editing Regions and Offices 
  • iPad 
    • All functionality on the iPad 
  • Phone Apps 
    • All functionality on the phone app 

Regional Manager 

Regional Managers are typically interested in job activity and operations for a specific Region of the company. A Region is specified for a Regional Manager. These users have access to Portal functionality except for Billing Statements. 

  • Portal 
    • All functionality in the Portal but cannot access Billing Statements and editing Regions 
  • iPad 
    • All functionality on the iPad 
  • Phone Apps 
    • All functionality on the phone app 

Partner Manager 

A Partner Manager has the same roles and permissions as a Regional Manager but does not specify a Region. These users have access to Portal functionality except for Billing Statements. 

  • Portal 
    • All functionality in the Portal but cannot access Billing Statements and editing Regions 
  • iPad 
    • All functionality on the iPad 
  • Phone Apps 
    • All functionality on the phone app 

 Partner Administrator 

A Partner Administrator has the highest level of permissions. These users have access to all functionality in Pathwave. This is the only role to have access to Billing Statements. 

  • Portal 
    • All functionality in the Portal, including: 
    • Billing Statements 
    • Editing Regions and Offices 
  • iPad 
    • All functionality on the iPad 
  • Phone Apps 
    • All functionality on the phone app