View On-Site Crew Certifications by Cert Type and Crew Member & Organize Closeout Packages with Folders

March 18, 2023

In this release, you can now:

View On-Site Crew Certifications by Cert Type and Crew Member

Organize certifications for crew members on-site by the Certification Type or by Crew Member.

Safety LMS On-Site Certs on the iPad Screenshot (2)

Organize Closeout Packages with Folders

Build your closeout package exactly to the requirements needed. Include test results, fillable forms, reference documents, field data, safety documents, screenshots, photo lists, and inspection reports. Organize the closeout package for the primary customer as well as the site owner. Navigate to a Job in the Pathwave Portal, open Document > Primary Closeout Package Documents or Documents > Site Owner Closeout Package Documents to start organizing your closeout packages.

Pathwave - Organize Clostout Packages with Folders

Troubleshooting App Updates

An upcoming release for Pathwave iOS and Android Apps is scheduled on Saturday, March 18, 2023 starting at 10:00 pm CT. For Pathwave-supplied devices, the Pathwave app is automatically updated when an update is released when:

  • iPad is turned on
  • Battery is 20% or higher (higher the better)
  • Online with reliable connection
  • Pathwave app is closed on the iPad

Having trouble updating the Pathwave app version? Learn more here to troubleshoot updating the Pathwave app or reach out to the Pathwave Support team and we can help.