Download Photos in a Fillable Form to a .zip file & View Certification Verification badges in the App

May 20, 2023

In this release, you can now:

Download Photos in a Fillable Form to a .zip file

Photos taken within a fillable form can be exported to a .zip file from the Pathwave Portal. Extracting photos from a form is especially useful for specific closeout package requirements, inspections, and audits.

To extract photos taken in a fillable form:

  1. Go to the portal
  2. Select a Job
  3. Go to Job Documents
  4. Select the three dots for a Fillable Form document
  5. Select “Download Photos”

When a closeout package requires an extract of the photos from the fillable form to be submitted separately from the fillable form, download the photos from the fillable form and manually upload the .zip file to the Closeout Package for the job.

Pathwave - Download Photos from a Fillable Form on a Job (2)

Safety LMS Verified Badge for Certifications visible in the app

The Verified badge for Verified Certifications from Safety LMS displays for certifications required on-site and for any Safety LMS personnel certifications available in the Pathwave app.

Safety LMS Verified badge displays for certifications in the app for:

  • On-site certifications accessible from the job
  • On-site certifications PDF emailed to walk-on auditors
  • Certifications icon accessible from the home page

Pathwave - Safety LMS Verified Certifications with Zoom (2) (1)

New icon design in the Pathwave App

The icon design in the Pathwave app has been updated.

New icon design in the Pathwave App (1) 

Troubleshooting App Updates

An upcoming release for Pathwave iOS and Android Apps is scheduled on Saturday, May 20, 2023 starting at 10:00 pm CT. For Pathwave-supplied devices, the Pathwave app is automatically updated when an update is released when:

  • iPad is turned on
  • Battery is 20% or higher (higher the better)
  • Online with reliable connection
  • Pathwave app is closed on the iPad

Having trouble updating the Pathwave app version? Learn more here to troubleshoot updating the Pathwave app or reach out to the Pathwave Support team and we can help.