
Gain real-time visibility into a subcontractor's Job progress and deliverables throughout a project. Allow job access to Subcontractors in their own Pathwave portal.

Subcontractors use Pathwave to provide Job progress and project deliverables to Contractors including:

  • Complete Safety Documentation
  • Access Reference Documents
  • Take Site Photos
  • Redline Job Documents
  • Generate Final Project Deliverables
  • Provide Real-time Progress Updates to Contractors

This article contains the following sections:

Create a Subcontractor

Submit a request to set up Pathwave access for a Subcontractor here. 

Learning path for Contractors

Learn how to create visibility into Subcontractor Management within Pathwave.

Learning path for Subcontractors

Learn how to instantly generate and provide progress updates and project deliverables to Contractors within Pathwave.

Job Visibility and Access

The following critical job details are visible to the subcontractor and contractor with access to the job:

  • Reference Documents
  • Safety Documentation in progress and completed
  • Fillable Forms
  • Primary and Site Owner photo lists and site photos
  • Generated Closeout Packages generated by the subcontractor
  • Job Notes

The following job information is not visible outside of your organization:

  • External Reference ID
  • Customer
  • Restricted Documents
  • Internal Photo lists
  • Generated Closeout Packages generated by the Contractor for which you are completing the work
  • Generated "All Photos" zip files
  • Closeout Settings set on a job
  • Job Labels
  • Assigned Crews