Upcoming, Expired, and Missing Certifications

Track crew certifications to always have copies on site and be informed of upcoming, expired, and missing certifications.

Track crew certifications to always have copies on site and be informed of upcoming, expired, and missing certifications.

To add certifications for crew members, first add team members as Personnel in Pathwave and add Certifications for Crew Members.

This article contains the following sections: 

Upcoming and Expired Certifications

Knowledge Base article coming soon!

Missing Certifications

Track required and missing crew qualifications and certifications by team member position.​ To track and report on missing certifications for each team member:

  1. Create Personnel Positions
  2. Configure Required Certifications for each position
  3. Assign positions to personnel

When positions are assigned to personnel, Missing Certifications become visible on each team member's profile and the Missing Certifications Report is populated with team information.

Configure Required Certifications for a Position in the Pathwave Portal to report on Missing Certification for Personnel.

Missing Certifications visible on the Pathwave Portal Dashboard

Identify missing certifications based on personnel position


Missing Certifications Report

Assigning Positions to Personnel enables Personnel reporting for managing certifications.

  1. Navigate to the Pathwave Portal
  2. Navigate to Reports > Missing Certifications
  3. Select "Run Report"

Report on missing certifications across crews, offices, and regions


Start adding Positions in Pathwave to track career progression, titles, special roles, and required certifications for Personnel.

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